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Selamat datang || Wellcome || Sugeng rawuh

Tukang Kayu dan Arlojinya

Ada seorang tukang kayu. Suatu saat ketika sedang bekerja, secara tak disengaja arlojinya terjatuh dan terbenam di antara tingginya tumpukan serbuk kayu. Arloji itu adalah sebuah hadiah dan telah dipakainya cukup lama. Ia amat mencintai arloji tersebut. Karenanya ia berusaha sedapat mungkin untuk menemukan kembali arlojinya. Sambil mengeluh mempersalahkan keteledoran diri sendiri si tukang kayu itu membongkar tumpukan serbuk yang tinggi itu.Teman-teman pekerja yang lain juga turut membantu mencarinya. Namun sia-sia saja. Arloji kesayangan itu tetap tak ditemukan.

Kado Untuk Ayah

Suatu kisah, hiduplah seorang pria yang tinggal dengan putrinya yang baru berusia 3 tahun. Sehari-hari sang pria berjualan berbagai macam kertas hias. Suatu hari, sang pria kehilangan satu lembar kertas hiasnya. Kertas hias berwarna emas yang jika terjual akan menghasilkan uang lebih banyak dibandingkan kertas –kertas yang lain. Teringat keuntungan yang akan ia dapat, sang pria terus mencari satu-satunya kertas emasnya yang hilang entah kemana. Setelah mencari agak lama dan tak menemukan apa yang ia cari, akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk bertanya kepada putrinya. 

A Gift for Dad


Long long time ago, there lived a man with his 3-years-old-daughter. The man’s job was selling many kinds of paper. One day the man found the girl use one sheet of his paper. He was very angry because he didn’t have any money to buy another gold paper. And he was getting angrier when he knew that the gold paper was used to decorate a box.

How to Make Guava Juice



My Pet

I have a pet. It is a dog. I called it Brownie because the color is brown.
Brownie is a Chinese breed. It has thick brown fur. The fur feels so soft. Brownie does not like bones. Everyday I give milk, bread, and fish. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight, maybe because Brownie does not bark a lot. Brownie is a really sweet and friendly animal.

How to Make Fried Rice




a plate of rice
cooking oil

Utensils you need:

a frying pan

How to make it:

Chop the red onions into very small pieces.
Heat the cooking oil in the frying pan.
Fry the red onion and garlic until they become party brown. 
Then add the stirred egg and salt.
Add celery and finally the cooked rice.
Stir the mixture well all the time.
Taste and see if more salt and pepper is needed.
Serve while the fried rice hot.

The Two Goats

A small stream ran between two hills. Over this stream there was a very narrow bridge. If two persons came to the opposite ends of this bridge at the same time, one must wait for the other to cross before he could go over.

One morning, two goats, a black one and a white one, reached the opposite ends of the bridge at the same moment.

The Tiger and The Fox

One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. 

When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox cried out, "How dare you attack the king of the jungle?" Tiger looked at him in amazement. "Nonsense! You are not King!" 

"Certainly I am," replied the Fox. "All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me." 

Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. 

They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. 

Fox looked to tiger and said, "Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?"

"I am surprised, but I've seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King." Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go.

Contoh Narrative yang lain:
Smartest Parrot 
Two Goats 

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.