Two ducks who lived in a big lake had a friend who was a turtle. One year there was a very little rain and the lake began to dry up. One of the ducks said to the other, “Soon, there’ll be no water in this lake. Let’s go and look for lake.”
“Yes, answered the second duck, “But first let’s say good bye to our friend, the turtle.”
When they told the turtle they were going to leave, he said, “I’ll die here without any water and without any friends. Take me with you.”
“The ducks answered, “We can’t. We are going to fly, and you have no wings.”
“The turtle thought for a minute and then said, “please wait here.”
Then he went away and found a strong, straight stick. He brought it back to his friends, put the middle of it in his mouth and said, “Now if each of you takes me one end of the stick in his mouth, you can lift me up and carry me with you.”